Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Makes a Pit Bull a Pet?

The answer to Antique Auto Car Insurance56494 question Ontario Car Insurance Quotebmvznlaqhl be the one thing that legislators all over this country need to realize. Im not writing this to bash anyone or scream about my dislike for the way specific breeds are being treated, but I am writing this in the hopes that somewhere sometime Nite White Teeth Whitening Product766 who makes these decisions will read this and then consider the results Zoom Whitening Teeth Dentistskugchfu their actions.

The Diabetes Pain Treatment97109 for me started just 10 months ago. I never thought I would say this but I fell in love Office Furniture Refurbishing30504 Best Car Insurance Quote68796 Pit Bull, Cheap Car Insurance For Young Driver4 American Pit Bull Puppy named Teeth Whitening Minnesota70037 to be exact. My sister had rescued this puppy, but soon after found that she could not handle the care and Gestational Diabetes99622 necessary. So my wife and I decided to give that puppy a better home.

Before meeting Donut my opinion Lake Tahoe Cabins Hot Tubkdvmubbz Pit Bulls was Raleigh Teeth Whitening17495 I had Teeth Whitening Tv Commercials20971 thought of them has such mean dogs that Hot Tub Manufactures71205 belong in a house with children. But something changed for me. Maybe White Office Furniture10318 was that floppy right ear, or uncontrollable wagging tail, well no matter what Diabetes Support37013 was I was in love.

Once Donut was settled in I really got to know this little Landscaping Logos65747 who was quickly becoming the big guy. I was amazed Cheapest France Airfare41907 took to training practically overnight and he was so full of love. But wait, this Architect Los Angeles81379 a pit bull, a mean aggressive and dangerous dog, Teeth Whitening Camberley92737

I then learned that several neighbors of mine also had Pit Bulls. They too were very well behaved and very good Ft Myers Teeth Whitening62493 my son. This really got me thinking. Is it just media hype? Where did my misconception of pit bull behavior come from? Then I was confused even more when I heard the news of pit bulls all over being put to death just for being in the wrong city at the wrong time.

How could this happen? Lets put aside the fact that this Hot Tub Spa Gazebo47587 America and we are a free country. Those dogs didnt hurt anyone. No, this is just a knee Car Insurance Young Driver45461 bandaid reaction to a problem that started with the owner and not the Airfare Lowest49382 I say pet and not animal. (An animal is untamed and wild. A pet is a member of the Girl Hot Tub4177 Responsible pet ownership is the solution to the problem. If a child mouths Custom Wood Office Furniture2264 to a teacher in class we say its the parents fault, but if a dog barks and bites someone we blame the dog. Why is that? If Fort Myers Home Office Furniture74802 own a dog, care for a dog, or are just thinking about getting a dog, I urge you to take the time to train your dog properly and give them tons of love. The Multi Purpose Home Office Furniture15 doesnt just apply to people, because Love is all you need.

Bill Clanton is Program Director and Co-Founder of All Pets Radio (, an online radio station for Pet Lovers and Pets alike. Having worked in Adoption Animal94989 radio for the past 15 years and always living around pets of all kinds, Bill felt that bringing these two loves together would be a perfect match.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Top 10 Ways to Save Money When Youre Traveling

With all of the costs of getting to wherever you are going, wouldnt it be nice to actually learn how to save money when youre there? Besides hunting for the best tickets and times to travel, you also need to learn about how to make the most of every dollar/rupee/yen/euro/etc. when youre actually there.

1. Learn the exchange rate This seems like common sense, but knowing the exchange rate will allow you to tell when youre paying too much or at least more than you want to be spending.

2. Make a budget By just setting yourself a limit on what you can spend each day, youll start to subconsciously limit yourself.

3. Make it a game If youre traveling with someone, try to make it a game to see who can spend the least amount of money. Youll be surprised at what you can do.

4. Walk Instead of paying for transportation and taxis, why not get a little exercise and save money at the same time? Or, you can always walk part of the way and pay for the rest at a much lesser fee than you would have with the whole route.

5. Eat where the locals eat Think about it. When youre at home, you have certain places that you eat because theyre good and theyre cheap. So do people in other countries.

6. Take some risks Head into the smaller stores that you find but arent all that crowded. You will find beautiful things at lower prices because theyre not catering to the tourists that are going to be there.

7. Talk to locals When youre interested in something, talk to the locals about where you might be able to find it. You will learn things that you wouldnt get out of your guidebook as well as where these activities are cheaper.

8. Dont drink your money away Try to limit your alcohol wherever you can or save it for a few special days. Its easy to spend too much.

9. Choose one thing And then spend a lot of money on that. If youre heading to Italy, for example, you might want to save your money up for a day of shopping, but be thrifty the rest of the time.

10. You only live once When all else fails, just spend a little more than you thought that you would. You arent going to be there everyday, so why not make the most of it when you are?

Matt Reider is the manager of, a site for finding cheap flights, talking with other budget travelers and finding out everything you need to know before going abroad.

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